Aero Country Airport is a privately owned, public use airport. In other words, the on-airport structures are owned by individuals and the common property (runway, taxiways, access roads) are owned and managed by the property owner’s association. The “public use” aspect has to do with aircraft not based at Aero Country having use of the runway without having to obtain prior consent. See the Airport Facilities Directory for additional info.
Board Meetings
The ACPOA board usually meets once per month. The meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Monday of each month. However, time, day and location are subject to change due to our schedules. Board meeting are open to all members, but if you’d like to attend, the best thing to do is email the board ( and let us know your plans. That way we can keep you posted if any meeting details change and also so we can be prepared to discus your topic(s) of choice.
Rental Properties
The property owner’s association (ACPOA) does not track available rental properties or real estate for sale.
The Classified Ads Page on this web site section has some postings of such available properties.